Saturday, July 25, 2015

It is an EARLY (for me at least) Saturday afternoon. I have to be at work at 1:45. In order for my day to start off well. I need to wake up a few hours earlier to "do coffee, read and respond to emails, and of course~listen to the news! I am trying to figure out~ why tips (if you have read my intro, I am a server for a huge corp.) have been sooo BAD!! I am so not patting myself on the back. I have high sales, most "call parties" and just all way round , I love my job and hardly ever complain. I make $5.00 and hour and with (100%) my tips being taxed. Lately I have not been covering my 1/2 of the bills.. Even though I go out of my way, EVERYDAY- hopefully doing a 10 hour shift.. If I walk away with $250 or more YA.. if not.. Just a BAD MONTH!! My other "off news" I received my new work shoes (3 pair) I was wearing them during the week, to the super market, running my errands, walking the dogs. I thought they were ready. One hour into my shift last night.. I wanted to throw those shoes into the road!! or do the rest of my shift.. in my socks. Me always being prepared~ I had my old work shoes in the trunk. The only issue with those.. I have to wear 2 pair of socks! I am not a 6 (kinda small) not a 6 1/2 (kinda big).. So what size can I get and be happy with!!?? After I got home, I did the ice bag "thing". I took them out of the freezer this morning.. One of the shoes (rather bags)must've had a leak... I now have an ice cube in the shape of a size 6 shoe!!! LMAO!! Debating whether I should save it for my son who ALWAYS need ice in his drinks.. I think I am going to save this for Sh#$s and giggles.. I will be bringing both the new and the old and switch off through out my shift! For the rest of the week, no breaks. My daughter and grandson will be here tomorrow night. My daughter is looking for a job in NY~ unfortunately it isn't working out with her fiance. My oldest son offered her his spare bedroom to stay~rent free~ until she gets on her feet. I don't have a free day nest week. If is full of~ interviews for my daughter~ vet appointments for my Bonston Terriers~ EVENTUALLY finish remodeling (YES FINISH.. for my bday I asked for my kitchen to be repainted and update it) the cabinet doors and put them back up, lay the floor and call it a day. Ugh wishful thinking. It is now time for me to day "til next time" If anyone has any ideas how to break in shoes.. comment please. I tried the ice bag, the microwave and the 2 x socks.. Either way, have a great weekend. Til next time!!
PS. Review for "eye tear stain remover for dogs" coming within the next 2 days!! Have a FAB DAY!!

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